Jesus’ Passion Begins in the Crib

(From the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, from the Book, The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Combined with The Bitter Passion and The Life of Mary)
“He who spoke worlds into existence, now sounds forth with the cry of an infant”
I saw Jesus also as the newborn Child, and I saw how many of the children that went to the Crib ill-treated the Infant Jesus. The Mother of God was not there to protect the Child, and the children went with all kinds of switches and rods, and struck It in the face until the blood flowed. The Child meekly extended Its little hands before Its face, in order to ward off the blows. The smallest children were they that struck the most maliciously. The parents of some even twisted and wrapped the rods for them. They brought thorns, nettles, whips, little rods of all kinds, each having its own signification. One came with a very slender rod, like a reed. But when it was about to strike the Child, the rod snapped, and fell back upon itself.

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