Prayers to Saint Monica to Bring Your Children Back To The Lord and The Faith

Patronage: abuse victims, alcoholics, alcoholism, Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, Bevilacqua, Italy, difficult marriages, disappointing children, homemakers, housewives, Mabini, Bohol, Philippines, married women, mothers, victims of adultery, victims of unfaithfulness,victims of verbal abuse, widows, wives
The Tearful Prayers of St. Monica
We ought not to be discouraged if our prayers are not immediately granted. For many long years St. Monica prayed for her son’s conversion, yet despite her tears and supplications he only fell deeper into sin. One day she went to a bishop and told him her grief. The bishop bade her not be disheartened, since it was impossible that the child of so many tears and prayers should be lost. His words came true; Augustine was converted and became a great saint. For eighteen years his mother ceased not to pray for him.
Have your children lost their faith? Pray and ask Saint Monica to pray for them…Monica followed her wayward son to Rome, where he had gone secretly; when she arrived he had already gone to Milan, but she followed him. Here she found St. Ambrose and through him she ultimately had the joy of seeing Augustine convert to Christianity, after praying for her son’s conversion for 30 year’s. Her deep faith helped bring her son to the Lord. Remember to always persevere in praying for your lost children to come to the Faith, for Our Lord has given them to you to love and protect.
Prayer to Saint Monica for our Children
Great St. Monica, patroness of all fathers and mothers, please take our children, especially those who have turned from the ways of God and His Church, under thy protection. Let them always remain faithful to their baptismal vows. Give them the strength to walk always in the ways of the Lord, despite the temptations and false values they find in the world today. 
Grant that they may share with thee the joys of eternal life. Amen. (One Our Father, One Hail Mary, One Glory Be)
Prayer to St. Monica for Serenity in Adversity
O, glorious St. Monica, after a lifetime of tearful prayers, fasting and sacrifice, thou wert at last granted the happiness of witnessing both thy husband’s and son’s conversion. 
After thy son Augustine returned to the faith thou saidst, “God has granted this to me in more than abundance. What am I still doing here!” A few days later, thou didst die happily in peace with God.
Grant us that same peace, faith and acceptance of God’s will that we may live all our years in serenity; pray for our eternal salvation, beloved Patroness. Amen. 
Prayer to St. Monica
The Sacred Heart of Jesus, comforter of the sorrowful and salvation of them that put their trust in Him, mercifully regarded thy tears, Blessed Monica, sainted mother of Augustine the sinner. His conversion and heroic sanctification were the fruit of thy prayers. From the heights of thy heavenly home, happy mother of thy saintly son, pray for those who wander afar from God, and add thy prayers to those of all mothers who sorrow over the straying souls of their sons or daughters. Pray for us, that following thy example and that of all God’s children, we may at length enjoy the eternal vision of our Father in heaven. Amen.
Catholic Mother’s Daily Prayer for the Children
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Sorrowful Mother,
commend our beloved children to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who refuses nothing to His Mother.
Holy Guardian Angels, 
Pray for them.
St, Joseph, powerful patron,
Pray for them.
St. John, beloved disciple of the Heart of Jesus,
Pray for them.
St. Augustine, 
Pray for them.
St. Anthony, 
Pray for them.
St. Anne, mother of Mary, 
Pray for them.
St. Monica 
Pray for them.
Mary, please help me to be a good mother today and always. AMEN
(A Partial indulgence of 300 days may be gained)
Litany of St. Monica
(For private recitation only)
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us!
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us!
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us!
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!
Holy Mary, conceived without stain of original sin,
Prayer for us and for our children.*
Holy Mary, glorious Mother of Jesus Christ,*
St. Monica,* 
Model of wives, * 
Thou who converted Thine unbelieving husband,* 
Mother of St. Augustine,* 
Strict and prudent teacher, guardian angel of Thine son in all his ways,* 
Thou who carefully watched over his conduct,*
Thou who were sorely distressed at his erring from the right,* 
Thou who were untiring in Thine petitions for his soul’s safety,* 
Thou who still hoped on amid the bitterness of Thine heart and Thy floods of tears,*
Thou who were inundated with consolation upon his return to God,*
Thou who died calmly after faithfully fulfilling Thine maternal duties,* 
Thou who are the prayerful intercessor of all mothers that pray and weep as you did,*
Preserve the innocence of our children,
We beseech Thee, St. Monica.**
Protect them against the deceits of evil men,**
Protect them from the dangers of bad example,** 
Protect them from the snares of the spirits of hell,** 
Watch over the movements of grace in their hearts,** 
Let the Christian virtues strike deep root in their hearts and bear much fruit, ** 
Redouble Thine intercession for youth approaching manhood,** 
Obtain for all in mortal sin true contrition and perfect conversion,** 
Obtain for all mothers, steadily and perseveringly to fulfill their duties,** 
Commend all mothers to the protection of the ever-blessed Virgin-Mother of our Lord,**
Incline favorably the heart of Thine beloved son Augustine to the salvation of our children,**
St. Augustine, holy son of a saintly mother,
pray for us and for our children.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord!
V. Pray for us, O holy St. Monica.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray
O God, Thou hearkened to the devout tears and importunities of St. Monica, and granted to her prayers the conversion of her husband and the penitential return of her holy son. Grant us the grace to implore Thee also with earnest zeal, so that we may obtain, as she did, the salvation of our own soul and of those belonging to us! Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O holy Monica, by Thy patience and prayers, Thou obtained from God the conversion of Thine husband and the grace to live in peace with him; obtain for us, we beseech Thee, the blessing of Almighty God, so that true harmony and confiding peace may reign also in our homes, and that all the members of our families may attain eternal life. Amen.
O holy Monica, by Thine burning tears and unceasing prayers, Thy saved Thine son from eternal damnation. Obtain for us the grace ever to comprehend what is most conducive to the salvation of our children, so that we may effectively restrain them from the way of sin and lead them by that of virtue and piety to heaven! Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving to Saint Monica 
Good gentle, kind St. Monica, we turn to thee in grateful affection for thy powerful intercession on our behalf. We feel confident that through thy help, our dear Lord will grant our petitions in the way He knows is best for us and our children. While we thank thee with heartfelt gratitude, we humbly beg thee to continue to intercede for our family in all our needs, spiritual and temporal, and inspire us always to accept God’s will in all things. Amen.

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